Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Conspiracies- Do they exist or is it just another paranoia of americans?

Many questions are raised and asked on a daily basis about the actions behind the curtains of our government. After 9/11 many rumors and assumptions flew threw America like california's wild fires. Some related to the US knowing about the attack but "allowing it to happen," there were even some blaming the government that they committed the acts themselves. Muslisms blamed the jewish community, the jewish people blamed the muslisms, and Americans blamed everyone. Why would a government allow a terrorist attack on its own people? Well there are some valid points more directed to the former president, George W. Bush. It is believed that he has always wanted to go to war in the middle east in search of owning oil fields to sumpplement his personal businesses. It could be viewed that the attack was known yet allowed to happen to ingite the fuel for the war jets. The evidence is there to validate this point however, we almost understand evidence is a non-biased material or non-material thing that can be used and dictated to validate any point. how do you think murderers get lucky and escape prison sentences? The rumors of the governement causing the horrid day could be possible for the same reasing as allowing it to happen, which would be almost the same thing. If I had to believe one, it would be the first because I just could not imagine a person in this country to be that hitler like. Our system has been known though to manipulate other countries and militaries to their liking, so it could be asked what stops them from doing the same? Maybe they are already. Maybe the Patriot Act was a tool used to distract us from other dealings, maybe the hollywood films that portray a corrupt system based of true facts. Are they? Or are these fears and misconceptions that we develop ourselvres in our mind to help cope with life's storms and need a scape goat to take the flac? Would our government act like some of the corrupt corporations and hide things like aliens or technology that would free us from oil? Is our government manipulated by rich companies controlling the lobbies and forcing us into recession after recession? Do these conspiracies exist? Would today be different if America ran like Thomas Jefferson wanted and intended it to? post your opinions!

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