Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pirates Still Exist!

Every so often there is a tragic news article about pirates and shipping crew members murdered or kidnapped. Pirates have been around for hundreds of years, yet we are not smart enough for some reason to have mastered a system to defeat them? Its not just shipping boats but cruise ships and anything that might have "plunder" on them. Some ships have the LRAD that demobilizes people and also they use water hoses. It is sometimes effective, but nothing but a pair of nice ear plugs and quick maneuvering can't outdo. So why not invest that money into something more effective, something more intimidating like, I don't know, armed guards. Do you know why very rarely do armored trucks get robbed? Because it is almost suicidal. You are attacking armed people, the risk of you not living is pretty high, so no one takes the risk. So why risk losing billions of dollars when you can invest a small fraction of that into an armed security system. Some argue, well crew members are not military personnel blah blah, either are marines, until they go through training. We are humans not animals. The beauty of that fact is we can learn to do anything! I think it is ridiculous that the threat is known but it is put on afterburners until it becomes a huge problem. Imagine how many lives would of been saved if these measures were taken before the incidents. If they do not want to arm their crew than hire armed guards just like restaurants, businesses, and banks do to transport their money. It is a very simple solution. Once the pirates realize that it is not worth the attempt because their targets have them out gunned or outmatched they are not going to attack. The blood thirsty murderers are cowards, just pure 100% cowards just like the terrorists. They only attack unarmed people because they know it is the easiest. They are not going to attack armed ships. Since when has pirates tried to hi-jack a destroyer. Exactly it never has happened. Help save lives and push this topic to the top of the list so that people wake up and become proactive. Who wants to pay high gas prices because a fuel tanker was hi-jacked. Not me, and I know no one else does either. This is my argument. Armed guards will diminish the acts of piracy just like during the cold war when the US sailed around with their fleets to show off their power. It is time to save lives and be proactive, it is not a complex problem like the "professional consultants" say it is.

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